Bablut – Les Collinets

Bablut is on the Côte des Moulins. You have to picture that once this ridge was full of mills overlooking the vines.

Cabernet Sauvignon is planted on the west facing rocky hillside. The soil here is similar to that of the hill of Beaumont (Rocca Nigra comes from Coteau des Collinets). On the other side the east facing slope is more gently sloping. Cabernet Sauvignon is best adapted to the initial rocky area (Clos du Goupil) while the lower section of weathered rock really suits Cabernet Franc.


sandstone shales, yellow to beige


Ordovician and Silurian metamorphic formations (Primary Era)


rocky with some of it weathered

Grape varieties

Cabernet Sauvignon and Cabernet Franc


east and west sloping hillsides